What We Do NOT Provide
It has been said (but not by me): “Packing for a vacation is a joy and a delight.”
Bedding, sheets, blankets, pillows, towels, washcloths, and such.
Wi-Fi. It's unavailable in our location. Boat Launch. However, the NYS Boat Launch is located on Rt. 6, on the other side of the lake, a few miles southwest of Edwardsville. It's a really nice boat launch and one of the few things we don't mind supporting with our tax dollars. Just be aware that launching a boat is therefore a 2-person operation (one to drive the trailer back to camp and one to pilot the boat back to the dock at camp). Trash Pickup: Skipper Kory's doesn't provide any trash service. However, there is an entrepreneur who drives by and collects trash every Tuesday morn around 8am or thereafter. He charges $3/bag and folk generally just leave the $$ in a zip-lock bag with the trash. Please don't put it out the night before! Critters abound. Otherwise, Skipper Kory's is a “carry-in, carry-out” business as far as trash goes. If you have a full and stinky bag indoors, you can tie it up and put it in the toolshed pending your departure. With the door closed, masked bandits can't get in! Paper can be burned or used as starter in our fire pit. Sorry, but you're responsible for taking away your trash. Fish Guts: While we're on the subject of trash... We don't expect anyone to drive home with a week's worth of fish heads stinking up their vehicle. In our fish-cleaning station, we have a 5-gallon pail with a lid. It's perfectly legal in New York State to dump fish remains 100 feet off shore. We recommend this as the preferred method of disposal. Please rinse out the bucket thoroughly when you're done, before you replace it in the station. Deep fryer for fish fries. We enjoy a plate of golden deep-fried pan fish as well as anyone. If you must and we wouldn’t blame you, please bring your own. We ask that if you do fry fish, to do it on the back deck—out in the fresh air! No burning down the camp! There are electrical outlets on the deck for this. Note: There is a regulation fire extinguisher mounted on the cabinet next to the kitchen sink. You can't miss seeing it. |